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Showing posts from November, 2018

Fixed : URL(string :"url string with white space") will return nil

Space contained in any URL will give you nil value if you try to user URL(string: "") When you try to convert below string into URL it will throw you nil value because URL(string: " ") will not able to handle white spaces and this is why it return you nil value  let  imageURL =  " 12:19:09 PM.png" let  url =  URL (string: escapedURL!) to fix this issue you need to use : let   escapedURL = imageURL . addingPercentEncoding ( withAllowedCharacters:   CharacterSet . urlQueryAllowed ) To fix this issue you need to use below code : let imageURL = " 12:19:09 PM.png" let escapedURL = imageURL. addingPercentEncoding (             withAllowedCharacters: CharacterSet . urlQueryAllowed ) let url = URL (stri

Create hyperlink button with underline text

Created a custom bar button with underlined text You can also add different attributes to make your text customised let font = UIFont . systemFont (ofSize: CGFloat ( 15.0 )) let attributesForTitleText = [             NSAttributedString . Key . foregroundColor : UIColor . orange ,             NSAttributedString . Key . font : font,             NSAttributedString . Key . underlineStyle : NSUnderlineStyle . single . rawValue             ] as [ NSAttributedString . Key : Any ] let pageTitleButton = UIBarButtonItem (title: pageTitleText, style: UIBarButtonItem . Style . plain , target: self , action: nil )         pageTitleButton. setTitleTextAttributes (attributesForTitleText, for: UIControl . State . normal )         pageTitleButton. setTitleTextAttributes (attributesForTitleText, for: UIControl . State . highlighted )         leftBarButtonArray. append (pageTitleButton) navigationItem . leftBarButtonItems = leftBarButtonArray