x number
xx two digit number
xxx abbreviated name
xxxx full name
A millisecond of day
c day of week (c,cc,ccc,cccc)
d day of month
e day of week (e,EEE,EEEE)
F week of month
g julian day (since 1/1/4713 BC)
G era designator (G=GGG,GGGG)
h hour (1-12, zero padded)
H hour (0-23, zero padded)
L month of year (L,LL,LLL,LLLL)
m minute of hour (0-59, zero padded)
M month of year (M,MM,MMM,MMMM)
Q quarter of year (Q,QQ,QQQ,QQQQ)
s seconds of minute (0-59, zero padded)
S fraction of second
u zero padded year
v general timezone (v=vvv,vvvv)
w week of year (0-53, zero padded)
y year (y,yy,yyyy)
z specific timezone (z=zzz,zzzz)
Z timezone offset +0000
sql y-M-d H:m:s
rss [E, ]d MMM y[y] H:m:s Z|z[zzz]
iOS9 iTune Upload Error : Invalid Bundle. iPad Multitasking support requires launch story board in bundle
1. Add the UIRequiresFullScreen key to your Xcode project’s Info.plist file and apply the Boolean value YES 2. This will fix one more issue that is coming at the time of iTune upload Invalid Bundle. iPad Multitasking support requires these orientations: 'UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait,UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown,UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft,UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight'. If your application only using single orientation then use the above keyword in info.plist
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